The Baskets of Ancient Cyprus

Baskets are defined as open-work pottery bowl. Note that we are discussing pottery usually made of ceramics, this makes shapes such as baskets rather rare, as alternative organic materials are likely preferred. Therefore it is likely that these Baskets are less utilitarian and more for decorative purposes, as there are no clear advantages to the use of ceramics in the Basket shape.
Baskets do not make an appearance in Cyprus until the early Iron Age in the Cypro Geometric period. They are one of the most uncommon of the basic shapes described in this compendium. Only a few dozen exist in collections outside of Cyprus amidst tens of thousands of other shapes.
Baskets have remarkable similarity, usually made in either Wheelmade White Painted or in Bichrome style. The Baskets are always wheel made, with Geometric Circle motifs on the interior and exterior. These circle motifs are painted horizontally; with the center of each circle being the vertical center of the basket.